Saturday, December 01, 2007

They've Won the Battle...

But not the war...

I've posted two prior blogs about battling the bugs. In both cases I came out on top. In this case, they may have gotten one over on me.

SO, I was in India last month and constantly on the lookout for huge hairy spiders the size of my hand. I like to know where my enemies are at. So one night I see my uncle's eyes get wide and he jerked the door to the outside open. I immediately sensed something was off. He quickly left and came dashing back in with some aerosal can of something unidentifiable to me (they don't do RAID in india). I was like, what is going on here?! So I got up and looked behind the door and there it was - a ginormous, fat, hairy spider climbing up the wall. He had opened the door so I wouldn't see it because he knows very well my fear of these 8 legged creatures. My eyes got wide and I immediately backed away to the chair I was sitting on and stood there, ready to jump on it if anything went wrong when he sprayed it. He opens the can, and starts spraying, and the spider immediately stops. He stops spraying and the spider continues walking. "It's not dead, keep spraying!!" I demanded! My dad said not to worry that it would just take it a few minutes to die. I was like, few minutes?! What kind of insect takes a few minutes to die when you spray it with insect killer for 10 seconds?!

So while I am waiting for it to die and keeping a close eye on its exact longitudal coordinates, I decide I should take a picture of it so I can prove to everyone who thinks I am crazy that there really are spiders this big in the houses. So I get my camera out, take a step forward and start zooming in to take the picture. Now here I am, about 5 feet away from this tarantula, arms extended, zooming in, when all of a sudden a flying grasshopper the size of 2 fingers comes FLYING in and hits me right smack in the middle of my neck. In my hands were my $200 canon digital elph and my purse and I THREW everything in the air across the room and JUMPMED on my dad screaming "get it off, get it off!!!" The entire house full of 10 people come rushing in to see what the heck is the commotion and everybody thinks that the spoiled american girl is screaming about a stupid grasshopper on the floor AND now I have a small dent in my camera. AND now the tarantula has fallen dead in a crumpled heap so there is no point in taking a picture. They may have won this battle... but I am still 2 for 1 in this war!