Monday, December 26, 2005

The Power of Peripherals

Peripheral vision: Side vision. The ability to see objects and movement outside of the direct line of vision.

Peripheral vision - Everybody has it, yet most people seem to forget that they aren’t the only ones who have it! We all have it. We can all see things outside our direct line of vision. So why must people still make faces, nudge each other, try to discreetly notion with their eyes, whisper, raise eyebrows…. All in the name of sending one person a message about someone else who is also more than likely somewhere within 180 degrees of your direct line of vision. Now… if you can see the person you are trying to nudge someone else about, then idiot! They can see you too! And yes, they KNOW you are scowling at their unmatched socks, snorting at the monster zit on their forehead, motioning at the last comment just made that apparently you thought was absurd or ridiculous. But guess what… I am not stupid and I saw that!

Thus, this is just a friendly reminder to all, not to forget that just because someone is not looking at you, doesn’t mean that they do not see you.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Betsy's Winter Weather Advisories

Random advice to help you make it through this winter:

  • Stuck without an ice scraper? A CD case works wonders! And this way, you probably have more than 1 and can make your lazy passengers help...
  • Don't have a garage? Instead of parking as close to your building as you can, burn a few extra calories and park a little farther away and leave your car in the sun. It will cut down on ice scraping time and you won't be as late to work.
  • Use all those leg warmers you bought last winter that are no longer in style to actually keep warm under your slacks this winter.
  • I know it doesn't seem like it, but scarfs make a hellova difference.
  • As dorky as it might seem to own thermals... I mean who really knows you have them on anyway?
  • Halls vitamin C drops are really tasty and definitely help with preventing colds.
  • Stuck in a really long line at Walmart because of the holiday season? Sneak over to the Christmas section at the far right or left of the store... they have their own register and maybe 1 person in line. Buy some wrapping paper and jump in line. Unless... you'd rather save the buck 50 and wait in line for 25 minutes.

And now since I saved you all that time at Walmart, and time is money, make sure you use some of that money to help some people in need this Christmas :)

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Carb Addicts

Sitting around the dinner table with friends usually doesn't elicit the most gripping of conversations.... however on occasion you get past that wall and people start chatting about some enlightening topics... rather than beer and buckhead.

Here are the top takeaways from the evening:
  • Too much hottness in a guy EXUDES adultery.
  • Once a cheater, always a cheater.
  • Simply having intentions is cheating; actually acting on it - not necessary.
  • Girls can suck too.
  • Having a child with someone definitely alters relationship logic.
  • Please pay for these 1.99 chicken tenders... but not with MY debit card.
  • A man who can fix a loose doorknob is hotter than a man who can pick out the hottest coach purse.
  • However, a man who can pick out the hottest coach purse is not necessarily gay.
  • Thinking a man is gay does wonders for that follow up call (lol).

  • .... and this is unrelated, but I can't resist.... "If I have to pay a dollar for coat check, can I at least have my own hanger?"

Good times...