Thursday, February 09, 2006

Random Annoyances of the Month

Things that make you go WTF!

  • waiting over a year on a house to be built.
  • Indian Standard Time
  • indecisiveness - just f'ing pick!
  • Stores that close before 6.
  • another f'ing rerun of LOST.
  • people who have NO respect.
  • people who call you and leave you a PAGE instead of a voicemail... I have to pay .10 for that you punk!!
  • people who "send a smile" on Friendster.
  • Automatic toilets that flush before you're done.

    And the #1 annoyance of the month:
  • calling my K,K raise with 3,4 off suit and winning with 2 pair on the flop.

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