Friday, October 19, 2007

Dumb and Dummer

Does anyone else feel like they were at their smartest point in life when they were 22? 18? Perhaps even 17? I took my SAT's my Junior and Senior year and surprisingly scored about 60 points higher my Junior year. Did taking AP Calculus my Senior year make me an idiot? Probably not... however I do know that I was definitely at my smartest point in life sometime in college. I used to be able to whip out code faster than most of the people in my classes or at work. I still to this day do not understand why it can take estimates of 80 hours of work to add a link to a webpage. In 80 hours I think I programmed half the transfer funds system shortly after college graduation. Those were the days... I would be lucky if I could figure out how to write the Hello World program in a day now. I recently found an old high school essay and had to pull out a dictionary to figure out what I was saying 10 years ago. Who knew I had such an advanced vocabulary at one point in time. It definitely makes me feel stupid when I am on a conference call and I know there is an SAT word that would be perfect to use. Unfortunately my brain does not want to fetch it and I end up settling for a word like "thing" ... or something. Right... so in an attempt to make myself at least feel semi-smart again, I am going to start reading more books. First on the list is The Alchemist! More to come on this...

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