Thursday, July 07, 2005


And I wish I was referring to debugging my code. Ok that was really dorky, but yet by far better than anything with more than 4 legs. For some reason something one one zillionth the size of me can elicit the absolute worst horrifying bloody murder scream ever. My old roomate Rima is aware of this behaviour. She pretty much shares this fear with me as once we both came back to our apartment in Raleigh at about midnight, only to find the entrance to our door surrounded by about 3 grandaddys, a huge spider on our mop next to the door, and a 4 inch praying mantis chilling about a milimeter from the doorknob. yes. the doorknob. After about 20 min of pondering and throwing a few pebbles, we drove to the nearby gas station to buy raid. unfortunately it was like 6 bucks for a sample sized bottle so we opted to fill up our water bottles and throw water at the bugs. We eventually got in our aptartment.... eventually meaning about 1 hour and 45 min later. If Rima was not with me that night, I seriously would have driven back to my parents house in Greensboro. Hey at least thats only an hour and 15 away. So after living in bug-free LA, and then coming back to NC for winter, and then just being pretty damn lucky for the past few months, I was reminded last nightof just how badly I am afraid of creatures.

So I am about to hop into bed and I see this ugly ass thing on the top of my wall next to the ceiling. Imagine a roach's body with as many legs as a centipede but legs that are the size of those on a spider. Not a pretty sight. Especially not in my room. So i grab a broom, and some aerosal lysol spray (for the continuous-machine-gun-like weapon and get up on my stool and basically stare at the thing for about 5 min with the lysol fully aimed and ready to spray. I just can't bring myself to do it, as all the worst-case-scenarios start flashing through my mind. What if the thing gets scared and jumps on me, what if i hit it with the broom and it gets stuck to the bristles and runs towards me down the handle. I would scream and fall off the stool and my biggest worry about that? i would be on the same ground level as the bug. Not that I would break my neck or sprain my ankle. So I called my 1-800-SUPPORT friend Rob in Florida. He convinced me that the bug would not jump on me and a good strategy would be to spray then smack the bug with the broom and hold it there. So i put my phone on the dresser and started for about 2 min before i gatherd up the courage to spray and smack! In the second between the spray and smack, the bug tried to make a jump for it and i SCREAMED bloody murder and smacked. Poor Madeha. She came stumbling out of bed looking for sharp objects and thinking that I was being attacked. I was. Sort of. I WAS!! So congratulations to me for my first successful battle against the bug!

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