Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Supposedly Me...

Your Birthdate: January 3

You are more than a big ball of energy - you are a big ball of hyper.
You are always on the go, but you don't have a type a personality.
Instead of channeling your energy into work, you instead go for fun and adventure.
Witty and verbal, you can have an interesting conversation with anyone.

Your strength: Your larger than life imagination

Your weakness: You tend to be pretty scattered

Your power color: Lime

Your power symbol: Lightening bolt

Your power month: March

Monday, November 28, 2005


So yesterday, I played Texas Hold 'Em for the first time in my life. Although I used to scoff at the game that was "all luck", I did a 180 and became super intrigued with it after the 2005 World Poker Tourney on ESPN. I bought in for 10 bucks and was given a cheat sheet so I could figure out which hands beat each other. (hmm did they just assume I needed it because I was a girl?) Anyway, who knew there were so many possibilities!? I used to think that a pair was a good hand! Well apparently it is the BOTTOM of the totem pole and there are SO MANY combinations that beat even a pair of aces! It is a wonder that anyone would ever go all in on just a pair. So I started playing, did pretty well, got offended when someone peeped at the hand that I folded (cheaters!).... then I got a pretty good hand - jack hearts, king! So I called on all the bets and even raised. Then with the flop, I had a king pair, and the other 2 were both hearts! Then I got 2 more hearts with the turn and the river!! I had a flush with Jack high! What would Cantor have done?! So I went all in. I mean these guys at the final table were betting millions on just a pocket pair! and I had a effing FLUSH! So what happened?? Did I win? Of course not. Do I ever? John had the SAME flush with KING high. DOH! Well.... I am going to take notes and master this game.... so who knows, maybe you'll see me at the 2011 WORLD POKER TOURNAMENT!

Sunday, November 20, 2005


TACQUIT0: back
JazmineBT: you mean
JazmineBT: bac
TACQUIT0: changed my sell to 1.80
JazmineBT: we should speak in stock tickers
JazmineBT: i'm sirius
TACQUIT0: lu-ser

*bac = bank of america
*sirius = sirius satellite radio
*lu = lucent technologies

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Ummm WTF???

What did he think I was doing?!

Betsy Thekkekandam/USA/BAC: Hey Mike, I have a question relating to SSO phase 4
Mike Murray/USA/BAC: Hi. do you want to sametime it to me?

Why does he keep saying my name?!

Ravindra Modukuri: you are right Betsy....
Ravindra Modukuri: we add this to existing sub-product property file... so there is no need for new file
Betsy Thekkekandam/USA/BAC: cool, so very little impact
Ravindra Modukuri: yes Betsy...
Betsy Thekkekandam/USA/BAC: k i made a new version 3, let me know if anything looks off
Ravindra Modukuri: sure Betsy

uhhh... lost in translation?

Betsy Thekkekandam/USA/BAC: hey we never got a chance to go through some of those batch programs last week
Betsy Thekkekandam/USA/BAC: do you have time this afternoon
Selvakumar Kesavan: Shall i tell later?
Betsy Thekkekandam/USA/BAC: tell me later if you have time, or go over it later?
Selvakumar Kesavan: ok

I can be stupid too....

Robert W. Futrell II: hey
Robert W. Futrell II: what is the key for infiniti occurrences?
Betsy Thekkekandam/USA/BAC: sideways 8
Robert W. Futrell II: lol
Robert W. Futrell II: for SST
Betsy Thekkekandam/USA/BAC: ohhhh
Betsy Thekkekandam/USA/BAC: all 9's
Betsy Thekkekandam/USA/BAC: 99999