Monday, March 07, 2005

402nd Place

So this past Saturday I ran in a 5K race. A friend of mine asked me to run with their team, so I reluctanty agreed after he convinced me that I wouldn't come in last place. I had been running 3 miles a few times a week on a treadmill at our gym at Tyvola Centre but for the last month I haven't really had too much time to keep this up with my 2.5 jobs and real estate class. I wasn't too worried as all I really cared to do was run the 3.1 miles and be done with it, after all it was just a charity 5K. But wow, running outside is a whole-nother ball game. My legs are still sore 2 days later. I think I did ok though, considering. Check out my results:

Yeah yeah, I placed 402, but out of 1271 people right! But somehow the people ranking hit the competitive bone in my body, and now I am all motivated to actually train, go get a gait analysis, proper shoes, and heaven forbid... I *might* even start eating right. If you want to race with me next time, lemme know!

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